I know I haven't posted in a long time, but we've had quite a bit going on. We finished up the Avon fundrasier. Unfortunately, it didn't do as well as I had hoped, but it did raise $30 towards our trip. We've also had a few people donate some money. Between the money that our church generously gave us, donations from individuals, the fundrasier, and what Nathan and I have managed to put back, we have just about enough money to go. Which is good since we leave in 10 days! I get paid the day we leave, so hopefully I'll be able to squeeze a little out of that check too.
My awesome cousin, Brianna, is going to go with me to help with the kids. I am SO happy about this, because I really can't imagine a better person to be stuck in a hotel room with for a week and a half, lol :) I am truly blessed to be able to call her family :)
Every morning Tristen tells me that it's time to go to 4 Paws. He says "First, go get Brianna. Then go to 4 Paws and get Dante!" He is so ready to go. I can't wait either, I just know that this is the right thing for us to do. And even though the days at training are tiring and long, I look forward to doing it again.
I must say that the timing of everything lately has got me a bit frazzled. When we return from training, I will be two days shy of 37 weeks pregnant. So basically, baby can come just about any time once we get home! Of course with us going to Ohio, that means that I need to get everything ready for baby BEFORE we leave! AAAHHHHHH! I don't even have the curtains up in the baby's room yet (Thank goodness baby will be sleeping with me for the first little while anyway)! And we still have boxes that we haven't unpacked from when we moved in July! Oh yeah, and I have schoolwork to do, lol!
So much to do, so little time. And I'm tired, so I'm going to go get some sleep while I still can. Nathan can't go to Ohio with us because of work, but that also means that he'll be here to get some things done without the kids distracting him. I don't think he really understands just how long the "Honey Do" list is going to be, lol ;)
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