Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Yep, this is meant to be.

  Tristen asked me about "Dante Dog" today, and I told him that we would go get Dante in October. I told him that Dante was in Ohio in "school" just like Ajax was when we went to get him 2 years ago, and that in October we'd go to Ohio and stay in a hotel so Mommy could go to "school" with Dante for a few days. He said "Okay, we put it on calender." So we did:

I wrote "Go get Dante!" and Tristen took the marker and said "X marks the spot" and then drew a smiley face too :)

  Then he asked if we could look at pictures of Dante. I pulled up Karen's (4 Paws founder and Executive Director) Facebook page and saved the pics she had of Dante to my computer. Tristen had me print out his favorite to put in his room. Looks like I'm gonna be buying Dante a hat and some doggie-goggles to wear (Dante, I apologize in advance because I think you're gonna be wearing that hat a lot), because, and I quote, "Dante Dog look just like Tristen! Dante Dog have a hat! Dante Dog have glasses! Just like Tristen!" 
  Let's see what y'all think. Do they look alike?

All of this confirms for me that we've made the right decision here. This is meant to be. 
  When I emailed Karen to let her know that one way or the other we would be attending training in October, I just happened to read the quote at the bottom of my signature. It reads:

   Faith isn't the ability to believe long and far into the misty future.
It's simply taking God at His Word and taking the next step.
                                                                   - Joni Erickson Tada

That's how I'm approaching this whole thing. I can't see into the future, not even into October. I have no clue how this is going to work out. But I know that it will. Because God has never let me down. All He asks is that I trust Him and keep going.

One step at a time.

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